Governor of Illinois announces Gold Star Family Day

Alaina Briones
2 min readFeb 16, 2017

Illinois pays tribute to the families’ of fallen heroes by approving a new bill that proclaims Sept. 26 as Gold Star Family Day.

Governor Rauner announced Gold Star Family Day in the Capitol Rotunda on Sept. 26, 2016. The day will honor the families of men and women that served in the armed forces.

Governor Bruce Rauner announcd the bill at the Capitol Rotunda with members of Gold Star Families, the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Survivor Outreach.

HB4389 commemorates families of fallen heroes from all five branches of the military and their sacrifices for serving the armed forces.

Lawmakers designated the day after Gold Star Mothers’ Day, Sept. 26, as Gold Start Family Day.

“Today we honor the supportive and loving families that our American heroes left behind when they made the ultimate sacrifice,” Governor Rauner said.

James Frazier lost his son in combat on Sept. 11. Jacob Frazier was an Illinois Air National Guard Staff Sergeant, and the first service member of the Illinois National Guard lost that day.

“When you say, ‘Hey Jim, how old was Jake,’ I’m happy to tell you he was 24. I’m glad you used his name. When you use his name, that means you are remembering him, too. And we can share that,” Frazier said.

Frazier is a Survivor Outreach Coordinator for the Air National Guard.

The bill acknowledges the void left behind in families with fallen loved ones. State Representative Steve Anderson mentions how “no one wants to be a Gold Star Family”, but officials hope to do their part by honoring the sacrifices of families’ of fallen service members.

For more information about Gold Star Family Day, please visit



Alaina Briones

Journalism & Electronic Media at The Univeristy of Tennessee